Work at Home Kit

The More You Read, The More You Learn

Why learning is important..."It is critical that a company create the kind of environment in which people really believe they can learn, grow, and prosper. The focus has to be on developing people."


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Shape Up Your Garden and Your Body

Summer is coming to a close, but there is still more yard work that needs to be done. Pruning, weeding and getting your garden and lawn ready for the fall and winter is one way to get exercise in the privacy of your own home.

You don't think of gardening as a form of exercise? But, It sure is…It incorporates elements of exercise while relieving stress. Gardening has many health benefits. It contributes to healthy bones, muscles and joints. Digging, weeding, raking, trimming the shrubs and mowing the lawn can be equivalent to other physical activities such as walking, cycling, swimming and aerobics.

So, get outside, breath some fresh air and shape up your body as you shape up your garden and lawn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


There are so beautiful information about health in gardening.I think gardening is exercise.There are more than one exercises of this kind.
